why do we drink more water in summer | 6 big reasons | smart eductional learners | smarteducation for all - smarteducationallearners
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why do we drink more water in summer | 6 big reasons | smart eductional learners | smarteducation for all

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The Importance of Drinking Water in the Summer. Children and older adults are especially at risk for becoming dehydrated due to the way their body responds to hot temperatures. It is important for everyone to prevent dehydration by drinking water throughout the day.

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We all know that water is essential for life and staying hydrated keeps our body functioning at its best but now that summer is upon us it is more important than ever before that you drink up!
Warmer temperatures see us sweating more, then turning on the air conditioning which dries our skin and then seizing the opportunity to sit out in the sun which can cause heat stroke, sunburn and heat exhaustion. It’s no wonder that we need to drink even more water in the summer.

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Here are 6 BIG reasons why:

  1. Heals sunburnYou should wear sunscreen and make sure you spend time in the shade as well as in the sun but sometimes no matter the precautions our British skin is not prepared to handle the sun and after the months of wet and cold and we find ourselves turning red rather than golden brown! If you do get a sunburn, then drinking water is essential for your skin to heal. Sunburn is very dangerous and can cause severe dehydration as fluid is lost through the skin. Drinking water will rehydrate your body and help the burn to heal.
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  1. Cures HeadachesThe summer weather can certainly bring on more headaches, especially when high pressure gives us that muggy feel before a thunderstorm. Drinking plenty of water is proven to relieve headaches whether they are caused by fatigue, hormones or sinus problems. Staying hydrated also relieves fatigue which in turn helps prevent headaches occurring. If you get a headache this summer, before reaching for the painkillers reach for your water bottle and stay hydrated!

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  1. Glowing SkinAchieving that sun-kissed look is pretty difficult, not only do you have to make the best of the British weather whilst easing your sun shy skin into the heat you also have to keep your skin fresh and spot free! The best way to get glowing healthy skin isn’t to buy more creams or apply fake tan – it is simply to drink more water! Drinking more water will help with spots, acne, and redness and give you that healthy, refreshed glow.

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  1. Sporting PerformanceLack of water has a seriously detrimental effect on muscle tissue and muscle performance. This is a summer of sport with Euro 2016, the Olympics and Wimbledon so you are sure to be inspired to go for a kick about or a jog on a sunny evening. If you want to enhance and maximize your performance, or if you even want enough energy to get off the sofa when you have to drink up!

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  1. Beach Body
  2. If you are dieting this summer than drinking the correct amount of water will do wonders for your weight loss. On a basic level, drinking water fills you up and stops hunger pangs; if you are full of water you won’t reach for the snacks as quickly. Secondly drinking water speeds up your metabolism, helping you to make the best use of the calories provided from your food intake and speeding up weight loss. So get your body ‘beach ready’ the easy way and drink more water!
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  1. Summer Beating grumpiness and fatigue and getting into a good mood can be a challenge in the winter but if the sunshine still hasn’t quite done it for you, drinking more water certainly will! Drinking enough water to keep your body fully hydrated and working at optimum levels will drive away fatigue and grumpiness and put you in a sunny mood. Get summer ready and cheer yourself up, mind and body!

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Drink more water the easy way with HydrateM8 and make sure you experience the benefits this summer. Check out the shop and order your bottle today.

why do we drink more water in summer | 6 big reasons | smart eductional learners | smarteducation for all why do we drink more water in summer | 6 big reasons | smart eductional learners | smarteducation for all Reviewed by studytime on June 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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