why do we breathe faster after running | smart educational learners | smart education for all - smarteducationallearners
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why do we breathe faster after running | smart educational learners | smart education for all

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When you exhale, you expel carbon dioxide, a waste product of respiration. During exercise, your lungs and the respiratory system must provide more oxygen to the blood. You will breathe harder and faster because: Respiratory muscles are stimulated by sympathetic nerves in order to increase the rate of breathing.

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       When you are doing increased physical activity, such as cycling, running or climbing, your breathing becomes faster. As well as bringing oxygen into the body more quickly, this speeds up the process of getting rid of carbon dioxide. Your brain—or, more specifically, the nucleus in the brainstem—sends out instructions to your body to increase the rate of respiration. This causes the excess carbon dioxide to be more quickly removed from the blood through the lungs. Once normal levels are reached, your breathing returns to normal.

why do we breathe faster after running | smart educational learners | smart education for all why do we breathe faster after running | smart educational learners | smart education for all Reviewed by studytime on June 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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